Specialized Knowledge, Making Your Sparks of Knowledge Fly
Specialized Knowledge is on my virtue’s ledger for this week. The meaning of Specialized Knowledge: Specialized is explained as Requiring or having detailed training or expertise in a particular field. Presenting detailed information used in a particular field. Designed for a specific purpose or use. [...]
Persistence, Worth Its Weight In Gold
This week’s virtue is Persistence. Its definition is: The act of persisting. The state or quality of being persistent; persistency. Continuance of an effect after the cause is removed. Again, being intentional is key. Taking notice when you are being persistent and observing when others [...]
Decisiveness- Defining moments
This week’s virtue is Decisiveness. The depiction is: The quality of ending doubt, controversy, or the like; conclusiveness. The state of being marked by decision or prompt determination: as, decisiveness of character. The state or quality of being decisive. There are many questions or options when it [...]
Self Control
Self Control is this week’s virtue. The definition of self control is control over one's own impulses, emotions, or acts. This week, I paid attention, observed, and was intentional of myself control and others. On my part-while at work, a coworker was becoming annoying to [...]
Well Organized
This week’s virtue is Well Organized. The description of (well) organized: Functioning in an orderly way or according to a plan. Affiliated in an organization, especially a union. Having the ability to plan and accomplish things in an orderly fashion. Unlike some of the other [...]
Courage My virtue for this week is Courage. The definition of courage is: The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery. Heart; mind; thought; feeling; inclination; desire. State or frame [...]