itsnotyourimaginationIt’s not your imagination- sometimes a “coincidence” comes with a lot of angelic effort… coincidences don’t just happen, they are planned events.  It starts with the messages that you are sending out into the Universe through your thoughts, your emotions, your talk, your actions, your writings, and your attitude.  These vibrations are then acted upon and the Universe starts going to work for you- moving things around, putting things in place, bringing people into your life… it’s synchronicity or the Law Of Attraction.  It occurs whether you are thinking, feeling, emoting, and doing in a positive way or a negative way.  Your angels and guides (we all have them) are with us to protect and serve us, sending us messages.  These messages are the “gut instincts”, “a feeling”, intuition, and repeated occurrences- seeing the same number sequences, hearing a certain song or themed songs over and over again, hearing things out of the blue, etc.  Be aware of them, recognize them, and act upon them.  It is in your best interest.  It is not a coincidence that you are reading this post, you were lead to it.  Your angels and guides feel that there is a message for you or maybe a better understanding of the metaphysical.  I hope that you got whatever you needed from this post (and from my past and future posts).

Lately, I’ve been hearing the song “The Eye of the Tiger”.  This song, when I hear it, it motivates me.  I will play it when I need a jump start to get things going for me, but now I’m hearing it on the radio, as well.  As I hear it during my travels, I feel that it is telling me that things are going my way so keep it up (whatever I am doing)- at this point, more than likely, getting myself out there, network and collaborate with others, get Leonard Diana and An Infinite Abundance Of Wealth, Health, & Happiness out there in the public eye to be noticed.  My services are needed and wanted by hundreds and thousands of people and small businesses and my PERFECT clients are out there waiting for me.  So, here I go…

What have you been noticing lately?  Any repetitive numbers, songs, themes, etc.?  Any gut feelings- feeling light or heavy?  Feel free to comment below, I’d love to hear about it.

Do you need help deciphering messages that you feel that you are receiving?  Looking for a better understanding of the Law Of Attraction?  Inspired and motivated to get yourself out there and noticed?  Allow me to help you (perhaps you are one of my PERFECT clients).  Learn more about m, the work that I do and the services that I offer:

Contact me to set up a meeting or a Discovery session.

Feel free to join my community.

Thank you.


An Infinite Abundance Of Wealth, Health, & Happiness
* Strategic Attraction Plan Consultant for heart-centered small businesses, self employers, and solopreneurs
* Love Relationships Coach- helping singles attract their True & Everlasting Love
* Advanced Reiki Practitioner- helping those heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually using holistic energy therapies
I establish and accomplish my divine presence and purpose from a heart-centered place on Earth, Universally allowing our infinite freedom for Wealth, Health, & Happiness