Wring Out The Old. Bring In The New.
December is a very busy month: work-year end push for sales, end of the month/year billing and receiving, working extra hours for those taking days off; the holidays- planning, hosting, cooking/baking, gift buying… this can be a more stressful month than any other and also [...]
Reducing Work Related Stress
The daily pressures to be the best and keep up with the competition is fierce enough but the stress we put on our own psyche by being overly critical can do a number on us. We tend to take ourselves too seriously, every issue monumental. [...]
CPR For The Soul
When we get thirsty, we drink water. Hungry, nourishment to keep us going for a while and making us stronger, better. Clearing the mind of clutter and unnecessary problems is not healthy and can strip us of our joy and fulfillment. Just as a junk [...]
Knowledge Leads To Healing
We are our own worst critics. We over analyze, condemn, scrutinize and ridicule ourselves to near ruination if a decision or choice fails. We underestimate our own self-worth because we feel it can’t possibly happen that a dream can turn into reality. Negatives resurface like [...]
Written Goals-Priceless
If you have ever studied any of my teachings, you are well aware that I frequently stress the importance of meaningful goals. This is a subject that you would have great difficulty placing too much emphasis upon. (I think I know what you are trying [...]
The Sore Spot
Most can attest to feeling pain in one way or another. Aches are one thing, uneasiness, restlessness, depression and general feelings of depleted energy leave many in a tailspin. One way to work it out is by taking a walk, a country drive, meeting friends [...]