The Health Benefits of Lemon Water
This week, I’ll be continuing a series on the health benefits of certain liquids and foods that I have on a daily basis or often. The second of the series is my "first thing in the morning" beverage, drinking it after my meditations, while I [...]
The Healthy Benefits Of Tea
This week, I’ll be starting a series on the health benefits of certain liquids and foods that I have on a daily basis or often. The first of the series is my favorite beverage and I consume it throughout the day- Tea. Here, within, are the [...]
Observance of National Arthritis Awareness Month
This month, we observe National Arthritis Awareness Month. I divided this into 2 parts. The first section explains What arthritis is, using our new friend, AI (with an addition from myself), and the second part is an article from I liked this article because [...]
Spiritualism & Religion- What are they? What are their similarities and differences? and
I was recently asked what religious affiliation I am. My response was that I am Spiritual, not Religious and tried my best to explain the differences. However, I did grow up as a Christian/Catholic. Over the years and due to many questionable issues of Catholicism [...]
Smudging- Why you want to make this a regular habit
I found this great article on smudging and I'd like to share it with you. I smudge when I can, not often enough, as my wife doesn't care for the smell of burning sage. When possible, I smudge before doing Reiki sessions. Scientific Facts That [...]
9 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Health
This week, I’d like to take a break from my journey to giving you tips for healthy and safe Spring and Summer seasons. 9 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Health By Quinn Phillips, Medically Reviewed by Justin Laube, MD - Spring is a great [...]