Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day.  Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title.

I challenge you, now, a few weeks into the New Year, to recite each affirmation daily for the week.  The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 8: “Through The Law Of Pure Potentiality, I Can Create Anything, Anytime, And Anywhere”.

The law of pure potentiality is one of the seven spiritual laws of success, as described by Deepak Chopra in his book of the same name.  It states that we are all expressions of pure consciousness, which is the source of infinite creativity, intelligence, and potential.

It will be discussed what the law of pure potentiality means, how it works, and how we can apply it to our lives. I will also share some practical tips and exercises to help you activate this law and experience its benefits.

What does the law of pure potentiality mean?

The law of pure potentiality means that we are not limited by our physical form, our past experiences, or our current circumstances.  We are not defined by our labels, roles, or identities. We are not bound by our beliefs, opinions, or judgments.  We are not constrained by our fears, doubts, or insecurities.

We are much more than that.  We are pure potentiality.  We are infinite possibilities.  We are limitless creativity.  We are boundless intelligence.  We are eternal spirit.

We are one with the source of all creation, which is pure consciousness.  This source is also known as God, the Universe, the Higher Self, the Soul, or whatever name you prefer to use.  This source is the essence of who we are and what we can become.

How does the law of pure potentiality work?

The law of pure potentiality works by allowing us to access the field of pure potentiality, which is the realm of infinite possibilities and creativity.  This field is always present and available to us, but we often block it with our egoic mind, which is conditioned by our past and attached to our future.

The egoic mind creates separation, duality, and conflict.  It makes us feel separate from ourselves, from others, and from the source.  It makes us see things as good or bad, right or wrong, black or white.  It makes us judge ourselves and others based on superficial criteria.  It makes us worry about what others think of us and what we think of ourselves.  It makes us fear failure and crave success.  It makes us chase happiness and avoid pain.

The egoic mind limits our potential and prevents us from expressing our true nature.  It blocks the flow of energy and information from the source to us and from us to the world. It creates resistance, friction, and stagnation.

The field of pure potentiality, on the other hand, creates unity, harmony, and peace.  It makes us feel connected to ourselves, to others, and to the source.  It makes us see things as they are, without labels or judgments.  It makes us accept ourselves and others as they are, without conditions or expectations.  It makes us trust ourselves and the universe as they are, without doubts or fears.  It makes us embrace failure and success as learning opportunities.  It makes us experience happiness and pain as part of life.

The field of pure potentiality expands our potential and allows us to express our true nature.  It facilitates the flow of energy and information from the source to us and from us to the world.  It creates ease, grace, and abundance.

How can we apply the law of pure potentiality to our lives? Here are some practical steps:

  • Meditate daily. Meditation is a way of quieting the mind and accessing the field of pure consciousness. By meditating, we can experience our true self, which is beyond our thoughts, emotions, and ego. Meditation also helps us release stress, anxiety, and negativity, which can block our creative flow.
  • Spend time in nature. Nature is another expression of pure potentiality, as it shows us the beauty, harmony, and diversity of creation. By spending time in nature, we can connect with the natural rhythms and cycles of life, and appreciate the abundance and intelligence that surrounds us. Nature also helps us heal, rejuvenate, and relax.
  • Practice non-judgment. Judgment is a form of resistance to what is, and it creates separation and conflict. By practicing non-judgment, we can accept ourselves and others as they are, and allow the flow of life to unfold without interference. Non-judgment also frees us from the need to control or manipulate others, and allows us to see the opportunities and possibilities in every situation.
  • Cultivate gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful way of acknowledging the gifts and blessings that we have in our lives, and expressing our appreciation to the source of all creation. By cultivating gratitude, we can attract more of what we want, and experience joy and fulfillment. Gratitude also helps us overcome scarcity and fear, and opens our hearts to love and compassion.
  • Express your creativity. Creativity is our birthright, as we are all co-creators with the universe. By expressing our creativity, we can honor our unique talents and gifts, and share them with the world. Creativity also helps us grow, learn, and discover new aspects of ourselves and reality. Creativity can take many forms, such as art, music, writing, cooking, gardening, or anything that brings us joy and satisfaction.

By aligning ourselves with this law, we can tap into our true nature and manifest our desires with ease and grace.

See you next week!