Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day. Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title.

I challenge you, now, to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 19: “I Remember To Love Everything And Everyone I Come Into Contact With”

The affirmation “I remember to love everything and everyone I come into contact with” is a powerful statement that reflects a commitment to approach life with an open heart and a spirit of kindness. It’s a reminder to oneself to maintain a loving attitude towards all beings and situations, no matter how challenging they may be.

This affirmation can serve as a guiding principle for daily life, encouraging individuals to look for the good in people and to appreciate the beauty in the world around them. It suggests a way of being that is compassionate and understanding, offering love unconditionally without expecting anything in return.

By consciously choosing to love everything and everyone, one may find that their interactions with others become more meaningful and fulfilling. This approach can lead to deeper connections, improved relationships, and a greater sense of peace and happiness.

Moreover, this affirmation can be a tool for personal growth, as it encourages individuals to let go of judgments, resentments, and negativity. It promotes the idea that love is not just a feeling but also an action – a decision to be kind, to forgive, to help, and to support others as well as oneself.

Practicing the affirmation “I remember to love everything and everyone I come into contact with” can be done through various practical methods that foster love and kindness in daily interactions. Here are some ways to embody this affirmation:
Mindfulness: Begin each day with a moment of mindfulness, focusing on the intention to spread love. This could be through meditation, deep breathing, or simply setting a positive tone for the day.

Active Listening: Make a conscious effort to listen actively when interacting with others. This means being fully present, making eye contact, and showing genuine interest in what they have to say.

Kind Gestures: Small acts of kindness can have a big impact. Hold the door open for someone, offer a compliment, or help someone in need. These gestures can be a practical expression of love.

Empathy: Try to understand things from another person’s perspective. Empathy can build bridges and foster a loving connection between individuals.

Gratitude: Express gratitude regularly. Thanking someone for their help or simply for being in your life can be a powerful way to show love and appreciation.

Forgiveness: Practice forgiveness, letting go of grudges and resentments. This not only benefits relationships but also contributes to personal peace.

Self-Care: Loving others starts with loving oneself. Engage in self-care practices that nurture your body, mind, and soul.

Volunteering: Give your time to causes you care about. Volunteering is a direct way to extend love to a larger community.

Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations throughout the day to reinforce a loving mindset. This can help in maintaining a compassionate outlook towards others.

Reflection: End the day with reflection, contemplating the love you’ve given and received. This can help in recognizing the value of love in everyday life.

By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can actively live out the affirmation and create a ripple effect of love in the world around you. Love is a verb, and through these actions, you can bring the affirmation to life.

In essence, it is about cultivating a loving presence in every moment, making the world a better place one interaction at a time. It’s about remembering that love is the most powerful force we have, and it starts with how we treat ourselves and extends to our treatment of others and the environment we live in. It’s a reminder that, in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we should not forget the fundamental human value of love.

See you next week!