Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day. This is our final affirmation of the series.

I challenge you, now, to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 21: “Every Moment Of Every Day, I Live My Life Abundantly”

The affirmation “Every moment of every day, I live my life abundantly” is a powerful statement that encapsulates a philosophy of life centered around the concept of abundance.

This affirmation is not just about wealth in the material sense, but rather a holistic form of wealth that includes joy, love, health, and overall well-being.

Abundance, in its truest sense, is about more than just having plenty of something; it’s about recognizing the inherent value and fullness of life itself. It’s a mindset that encourages one to see life’s limitless possibilities and to appreciate the richness in every experience.

Breaking Down the Affirmation
Every Moment- This part of the affirmation emphasizes the importance of the present. It’s a reminder that abundance is not a distant goal but a reality that can be experienced right now, in this very moment.

Of Every Day- By repeating the affirmation daily, it serves as a constant reminder that every day is an opportunity to live fully and to make choices that align with the principles of abundance.

I Live- These words are a declaration of agency and self-empowerment. It’s an acknowledgment that one has the power to shape their own reality through their actions and attitudes.

My Life- This phrase is deeply personal. It signifies that the journey to abundance is unique to each individual and that one should honor their own path and experiences.

Abundantly- To live abundantly is to live without limitations, to give generously, to love fully, and to be open to receiving the goodness that life has to offer.

The Impact of the Affirmation
When one adopts this affirmation into their daily routine, it can have a transformative effect on their mindset and, consequently, their life. It can help shift focus from scarcity to plenty, from fear to love, and from isolation to connection. It’s about embracing life with gratitude and optimism, and actively seeking out the beauty in every situation.

Living the Affirmation
To live out this affirmation, one can start by practicing mindfulness, being present in the moment, and appreciating the small joys of life. It’s also about cultivating a spirit of generosity, both towards oneself and others, and making choices that reflect a belief in one’s own worth and the abundance of the universe.

Incorporating the affirmation into your daily life can be a transformative practice that fosters a mindset of abundance and positivity. Here are some detailed steps to help you embed this powerful statement into your everyday routine:
Start Your Day with Intention: Begin each morning by stating the affirmation out loud. This sets a positive tone for the day ahead and aligns your intentions with the concept of living abundantly.

Create Visual Reminders: Place notes with the affirmation in places you frequently visit throughout the day, such as your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or workspace. These visual cues serve as constant reminders of your commitment to abundance.

Practice Mindfulness: Throughout the day, take moments to pause and reflect on the affirmation. Engage in deep breathing or meditation, focusing on the feelings of abundance and gratitude.

Journaling: Keep a journal where you write down the affirmation and follow it with reflections on how you’ve experienced abundance that day. This not only reinforces the affirmation but also encourages you to notice and appreciate the abundance around you.

Express Gratitude: Make it a habit to express gratitude for the abundance in your life, whether it’s thanking someone for a kind gesture or acknowledging the beauty of nature. Gratitude amplifies the feelings of abundance.

Generosity: Embody the spirit of the affirmation by practicing generosity. Share your time, resources, or knowledge with others. Giving creates a cycle of abundance that benefits both the giver and the receiver.

Affirmation Before Sleep: End your day by repeating the affirmation. This helps you to reflect on the day’s events through the lens of abundance and sets a positive mindset for the following day.

Align Actions with Abundance: Make decisions and take actions that reflect an abundant mindset. This could mean investing in your personal growth, taking care of your health, or pursuing your passions.

Be Open to Receive: As much as you give, be open to receiving abundance in all its forms. Accept compliments graciously, welcome new opportunities, and be receptive to the kindness of others.

Use the Affirmation in Challenges: When faced with difficulties, repeat the affirmation to remind yourself that even in tough times, there is an opportunity for growth and abundance.

By integrating this affirmation into your daily life, you actively cultivate an abundant mindset. It’s a practice that encourages you to live fully, appreciate the present, and embrace the endless possibilities that life offers. Abundance is not just about having more; it’s about being more. It’s a way of life that celebrates the richness of existence in every moment of every day.

“Every Moment Of Every Day, I Live My Life Abundantly” is a call to embrace life’s richness in every aspect. It’s a commitment to a mindset of abundance that can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful existence. It’s a reminder that abundance is not just something to be sought after, but something to be lived and experienced moment by moment, day by day.

See you next week!