laughuntilLaugh until your belly hurts and then just a little bit more… yes, laughter is the best medicine.  Laugh several times a day, especially if you are not feeling well or have health issues.  It may seem difficult at first- think of happier moments to start, then find something that will make you laugh- video clips, a comedy movie on TV or rental, your favorite comedians, being/joking around with your friends, think of things that will make you laugh, reading joke books, etc..  It breaks up the tension and stress and puts you in a positive mindset.  There was a gentleman with stage 4 cancer that cured himself by laughing all day by doing the above ideas.  It’s energy well spent, with a healthy aspect- better than wasting it on negativity, I don’t feel good,  and a woe-is-me attitude.  Laughter is contagious.  People will laugh just because they see and hear you laughing- not knowing why, and it doesn’t matter, putting them in a good mood.  Try it, you’ll like it.

Are you looking to Feel Good and continue to Feel Better on a daily basis?  Looking for Inspiration, Motivation, and/or Confidence?  Allow me to amp you up with my Personal Development coaching.  Learn more about me ad my services:   – I will guarantee to make you laugh at least once during each of our sessions.  I always add humor into my work.

Thank you.


An Infinite Abundance Of Wealth, Health, & Happiness
* Strategic Attraction Plan Consultant for heart-centered small businesses, self employed, and solopreneurs
* Love Relationships Coach- helping singles attract their True & Everlasting Love
* Advanced Reiki Practitioner- helping those heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually using holistic energy therapies
I establish and accomplish my divine presence and purpose from a heart-centered place on Earth, Universally allowing our infinite freedom for Wealth, Health, & Happiness