Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day.

Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title.

I challenge you, now, to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 11: “I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me”.

One of the most powerful affirmations you can use to attract abundance into your life is “I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me”. This phrase has several components that make it effective and transformative. Let’s break them down and see how they work.

First, the word “expect” implies that you have a strong belief and confidence that abundance is your natural state of being. You are not doubting or worrying about whether you deserve it or how it will come to you. You are simply expecting it as a fact, like the sun rising every morning.

Second, the word “accept” means that you are open and receptive to receiving abundance in all its forms. You are not rejecting or resisting it because of fear, guilt, or unworthiness. You are allowing it to flow into your life with ease and grace.

Third, the word “abundance” encompasses not only money, but also health, happiness, love, peace, joy, and anything else that you desire. Abundance is not limited or scarce; it is infinite and plentiful. You are not competing or comparing yourself with others; you are celebrating
and sharing your abundance with everyone.

Fourth, the word “flow” suggests that abundance is not static or stagnant; it is dynamic and moving. It is not something that you hoard or cling to; it is something that you circulate and distribute. It is not something that you control or manipulate; it is something that you trust and surrender to.

Fifth, the word “easily” implies that abundance is not hard or difficult; it is simple and effortless. It is not something that you struggle or strive for; it is something that you attract and magnetize. It is not something that you work or earn; it is something that you align and resonate with.

One of the most powerful ways to attract more of what you want in your life is to practice gratitude. Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for what you already have, no matter how big or small. When you are grateful, you are sending a positive signal to the universe that you are happy with your current reality and that you are open to receive more blessings.

Manifestation is the process of bringing your thoughts and desires into physical reality. You manifest by aligning your vibration with the vibration of what you want. The higher your vibration, the easier and faster you can manifest.

Gratitude raises your vibration because it makes you feel good. When you feel good, you are in a state of flow and alignment with your true self. You are also more connected to the source of all creation, which is always abundant and loving. Gratitude helps you focus on the positive aspects of your life, rather than the negative ones. This shifts your perspective and attracts more positive experiences and opportunities.

Gratitude also helps you detach from the outcome of your manifestation. When you are grateful for what you already have, you are not desperate or needy for what you want. You trust that the universe will deliver what is best for you at the right time. You let go of the how and when and focus on the what and why. This allows the universe to work its magic and surprise you with amazing results.

If you want to amplify your expectation and acceptance of abundance to flow, start by feeling more grateful and joyful for what you already have. This will create a positive feedback loop that will attract more of what you want. You can practice gratitude by writing a gratitude journal, saying thank you to yourself and others, expressing gratitude in prayer or meditation, or simply noticing and appreciating the beauty around you. The more grateful you are, the more joyful you will be, and the more powerful your manifestation will be.

By repeating “I expect and accept abundance to flow easily to me” daily, you will create a positive mindset and vibration that will attract more abundance into your life. Try it for yourself and see the results!

We are half way through this abundance challenge. How are you doing? What have been your results thus far?

See you next week!