Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations. receiving one each day. Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title.

I challenge you, going into the New Year to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 3: “I Create My Personal Abundance From An Infinite Source”

This is a powerful affirmation that I use to attract more wealth, happiness and success into my life. It is based on the principle of the Law of Attraction, which states that whatever we focus on, we attract more of.

The Law of Attraction works by aligning our thoughts, feelings and actions with the vibration of what we desire. When we are in harmony with our true essence, which is infinite and abundant, we become magnets for more abundance.

Personal abundance is a concept that refers to the feeling of having enough of what matters to you in life. It is not necessarily related to material wealth, but rather to the satisfaction and fulfillment that you experience from your relationships, activities, passions, and purpose.

Personal abundance can be different for everyone, depending on their values, goals, and preferences.
Some people may feel abundant when they have a lot of freedom and creativity, while others may feel abundant when they have a strong sense of belonging and contribution.

Personal abundance is not a fixed state, but a dynamic process that requires awareness, gratitude, and intention. By being mindful of what makes you happy and fulfilled, expressing appreciation for what you have, and setting goals that align with your purpose, you can cultivate personal abundance in your life.

But how do we tap into this infinite source of abundance? How do we create our personal abundance from it? Here are some steps that I follow to manifest my dreams:
1) I acknowledge that I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I am not limited by my physical circumstances, but by my beliefs and perceptions. I have the power to change my reality by changing my thoughts.

2) I affirm that I create my personal abundance from an infinite source. I repeat this statement several times a day, especially in the morning and at night. I write it down, say it out loud, or visualize it in my mind. I feel the emotion of gratitude and joy as I say it.

3) I clear any blocks or resistance that may prevent me from receiving abundance. I release any negative emotions, such as fear, doubt, guilt, or unworthiness, that may lower my vibration and attract lack. I forgive myself and others for any mistakes or hurts. I let go of any limiting beliefs or stories that may hold me back.

4) I ask for what I want and expect to receive it. I set clear and specific goals for what I want to achieve, have, or experience in my life. I write them down, make a vision board, or create a mental movie of them. I ask the universe, God, or my higher self to help me manifest them.

5) I take inspired action and follow my intuition. I do not wait for things to happen, but I make them happen. I take steps every day that move me closer to my goals. I listen to my inner guidance and follow the signs and synchronicities that show me the way.

6) I celebrate and appreciate every sign of abundance in my life. I express gratitude for everything that I have and everything that is coming to me. I acknowledge and celebrate every small or big win, every opportunity or blessing, every gift or surprise. I share my abundance with others and spread joy.

By following these steps, I create my personal abundance from an infinite source. I align myself with the flow of life and the abundance of the universe. I attract more of what I want and less of what I don’t want. I live a life of abundance and fulfillment.

Let me know how this works out for you.

See you next week!