Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day. Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title.

I challenge you, now, into the New Year, to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 6: “Everything I desire is within me”

The phrase “Everything I desire is within me” is a powerful affirmation that can inspire us to pursue our goals and dreams. It implies that we have the potential, the resources, and the motivation to achieve whatever we want in life. And, what does it really mean to say that everything we desire is within us? How can we tap into this inner source of fulfillment and happiness? And, what are the benefits of adopting this mindset?

I will share the meaning, the implications, and the advantages of the phrase “Everything I desire is within me” along with some tips on how to apply it to your daily life and overcome any challenges or obstacles that may arise along the way.

The Meaning of “Everything I Desire is Within Me”
“Everything I desire is within me” is based on the idea that we are the creators of our own reality. We have the power to shape our experiences, our circumstances, and our outcomes by choosing our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We are not dependent on external factors or conditions to make us happy or successful. We have everything we need within ourselves to fulfill our deepest desires.

This does not mean that we should ignore or deny the reality of the world around us. It does not mean that we should isolate ourselves from other people or avoid any challenges or difficulties. It simply means that we should recognize and appreciate our own inner resources and abilities and use them to create positive changes in our lives and in the world.

“Everything I desire is within me” also suggests that we are connected to a higher power or source of intelligence that guides and supports us in our journey. Some people may call this power God, the Universe, Spirit, or any other name that resonates with them. Whatever we call it, it is a part of us and we are a part of it. We can access this power by tuning into our intuition, our inner wisdom, and our heart’s desires. We can also communicate with this power by praying, meditating, or expressing gratitude.

The phrase also implies that we are responsible for our own happiness and well-being. We cannot blame others or external circumstances for our problems or failures. We cannot expect others to fulfill our needs or make us happy. We have to take charge of our own lives and make choices that align with our true selves and our highest good. We have to be willing to learn from our mistakes and grow from our challenges. We have to be proactive and take action towards our goals and dreams.

The Implications of “Everything I Desire is Within Me”
It has several implications for how we live our lives and how we relate to ourselves and others. Some of these implications are:
• We have to be clear about what we want and why we want it. We have to define our goals and dreams in specific and measurable terms, and make sure they are aligned with our values and purpose. We have to know what makes us happy and fulfilled, and what gives us meaning and direction.

• We have to believe in ourselves and in our abilities. We have to trust that we have what it takes to achieve our goals and dreams. We have to overcome any self-doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs that may hold us back or sabotage our success. We have to cultivate a positive self-image and a confident attitude.

• We have to take action towards our goals and dreams. We have to plan, strategize, and execute our steps with focus and determination. We have to be persistent and consistent in our efforts, and not give up or quit when faced with challenges or setbacks. We have to be flexible and adaptable, and willing to adjust our course if necessary.

• We have to enjoy the journey as well as the destination. We have to celebrate our achievements and accomplishments, no matter how big or small they are. We have to appreciate the lessons and opportunities that come along the way. We have to savor the moments of joy and satisfaction that fill our lives.

• We have to be grateful for what we have and what we receive. We have to acknowledge and appreciate the gifts and blessings that come from within us and from outside us. We have to express gratitude for ourselves, for others, for nature, for life itself.

• We have to share what we have and what we know with others. We have to be generous and compassionate with ourselves and others. We have to help others achieve their goals and dreams, as well as ours. We have to contribute to the common good and make a positive difference in the world.

The Advantages of “Everything I Desire is Within Me”
It has many advantages for our personal and professional lives. Some of these advantages are:
• It empowers us to take control of our lives

• It motivates us to pursue our goals

• It inspires us to be creative and innovative

• It boosts our self-esteem and self-confidence

• It enhances our happiness and well-being

• It improves our relationships and communication

• It attracts more opportunities and abundance

• It increases our spiritual awareness and connection

How to Apply “Everything I Desire is Within Me” to Your Daily Life
“Everything I desire is within me” is not just a slogan or a mantra. It is a way of living that requires practice and commitment. Here are some tips on how to apply it to your daily life:
• Start your day with a positive affirmation that reflects the phrase “Everything I desire is within me”. For example, you can say: “I have everything I need within me to make this day amazing”, “I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to”, “I am connected to the source of all good things”, or any other affirmation that resonates with you.

• Throughout the day, remind yourself of the phrase “Everything I desire is within me” whenever you face a challenge, a difficulty, or a decision. Ask yourself: “What do I want in this situation?”, “What can I do to make it happen?”, “What resources and abilities do I have within me to overcome this challenge?”, “What guidance or support can I receive from my higher power?”, or any other questions that help you tap into your inner potential and power.

• At the end of the day, review your achievements and accomplishments, and celebrate them with gratitude and joy. Acknowledge and appreciate yourself for your efforts, your progress, and your results. Also, acknowledge and appreciate others who helped you along the way. Express gratitude for everything you have and everything you received.

• Repeat this process every day and watch how your life transforms for the better.

The phrase “Everything I desire is within me” is a powerful affirmation that can help us achieve our goals and dreams and live a happy and fulfilling life. It means that we have the potential, the resources, and the motivation to create our own reality. It also means that we are connected to a higher power that guides and supports us. It also means that we are responsible for our own happiness and well-being.

By applying this phrase to our daily lives, we can empower ourselves, motivate ourselves, inspire ourselves, boost our self-esteem, enhance our happiness, improve our relationships, attract more opportunities, increase our spiritual awareness, and make a positive difference in the world.

Remember: You have everything you need within you to achieve whatever you want in life. You are the creator of your own reality. You are connected to the source of all good things. You are responsible for your own happiness.
Everything you desire is within you.

See you next week!