Over the last few months, I’ve grown more spiritually, learning and using concepts to better myself, others, and the world we live in.

This next series, we will delve into practices that I’ve been doing for years, have used and tried, and ones that are fairly new for me. I look forward to sharing them with you.

The Spiritual Importance Of 3 6 9

If you are interested in numerology, manifestation, or spirituality, you may have heard of the significance of the numbers 3, 6, and 9. These numbers are often considered to be the key to the universe, as they represent the divine energy that transcends the physical world. We will explore the spiritual meaning of 3 6 9 and how you can use them to enhance your life.

The Meaning of 3, 6, and 9
According to the theory of vortex math, which was popularized by the genius inventor Nikola Tesla, the numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8 are related to the physical world and the energy that we can see and measure. These numbers correspond to the dimensions, shapes, cycles, and patterns that govern our reality. However, the numbers 3, 6, and 9 are different. They are not part of this system and they represent the metaphysical energy that we cannot see or quantify. They are the gateway to the higher dimensions and the spiritual realm.

Tesla famously said: “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” He believed that these numbers were the secret to unlocking the mysteries of creation and manifestation. He also incorporated these numbers into his daily life and his inventions. For example, he would order 18 towels or napkins (which are divisible by 3, 6, and 9) to his hotel room and he would walk around buildings three times before entering.

What is the meaning of each of these numbers?
The number 3 is associated with creativity, expression, communication, optimism, growth, expansion, and joy. It is also related to the Trinity, which can be seen as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Christianity; or as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva in Hinduism; or as body, mind, and spirit in spirituality. The number 3 represents the positive energy of the universe and the power of creation.

The number 6 is associated with balance, harmony, stability, responsibility, service, compassion, and care. It is also related to the hexagon, which is one of the most stable and efficient shapes in nature. The number 6 represents the negative energy of the universe and the power of preservation.

The number 9 is associated with completion, wholeness, wisdom, enlightenment, altruism, humanitarianism, and spirituality. It is also related to the circle, which is a symbol of infinity and perfection. The number 9 represents the neutral energy of the universe and the power of transformation.

These three numbers are interconnected and complementary. They form a cycle of creation (3), preservation (6), and transformation (9). They also balance each other out: 3 + 6 = 9; 9 – 3 = 6; 9 – 6 = 3.

How to Use 3 6 9 for Manifestation
One of the ways that you can use these numbers for manifestation is by following the “369 manifestation method”. This is a technique that involves writing down your desire or affirmation using these numbers as a guide. The basic steps are:
• Choose a specific desire or affirmation that you want to manifest.

• Write it down three times in the morning after you wake up.

• Write it down six times in the afternoon around lunchtime.

• Write it down nine times in the evening before you go to bed.

• Repeat this process for at least 21 days or until you manifest your desire.
The idea behind this method is that by writing down your desire or affirmation using these numbers, you are aligning yourself with the vibration of creation (3), preservation (6), and transformation (9). You are also sending a clear signal to the universe about what you want and activating your subconscious mind to work on your behalf.

Some tips for using this method are:
• Be clear and specific about what you want.

• Use positive and present tense language.

• Feel the emotion of having your desire as you write it down.
• Express gratitude for your desire as if it has already manifested.

• Trust that your desire will manifest at the right time.

Some examples of desires or affirmations that you can use are:
• I am attracting abundance and prosperity into my life.
• I am healthy and happy in my body.
• I am in a loving and harmonious relationship with my soulmate.
• I am successful and fulfilled in my career.
• I am living my purpose and passion.

Here are a couple of short videos-
This one gives you ideas on 3 6 9 exercises [Using the Nikola Tesla Divine Code 369 to Manifest Anything You Want]

This one talks more about the 3 6 9 phenomenon [3 6 9 – The Secret Code of the Universe]

There are more lengthy 3 6 9 meditation videos that you can find on YouTube.

The spiritual importance of 3 6 9 is undeniable. These numbers are more than just digits; they are the code of the universe and the key to manifestation. By understanding their meaning and using them wisely, you can tap into the divine energy that surrounds you and create the life of your dreams.

Let me know of your experience using 3 6 9 manifestations.

See you next week!