Over the last few months, I’ve grown more spiritually, learning and using concepts to better myself, others, and the world we live in.

This next series, we will delve into practices that I’ve been doing for years, have used and tried, and ones that are fairly new for me. I look forward to sharing them with you.

The Benefits Of Surrendering Your Goals, Intentions, And Worries To The Universe

Do you often feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed by your goals, intentions, and worries? Do you struggle to achieve what you want in life, despite working hard and following the advice of experts? If so, you might benefit from surrendering your goals, intentions, and worries to the Universe.

Surrendering does not mean giving up, being lazy, or settling for less. It means trusting that the Universe has a bigger plan for you, and that everything will work out for your highest good. It means letting go of the need to control every aspect of your life and allowing yourself to be guided by a higher power.
Surrendering can help you in many ways.

Here are some of the benefits of surrendering your goals, intentions, and worries to the Universe:
• You will feel more relaxed and peaceful. When you surrender, you stop worrying about the future and the outcome of your actions. You accept what is, and what will be. You live in the present moment and enjoy the journey more than the destination.

• You will attract more positive experiences and opportunities. When you surrender, you align yourself with the flow of life, and the energy of the Universe. You become more open and receptive to the signs, synchronicities, and miracles that the Universe sends your way. You also become more grateful for what you have and what you receive.

• You will grow more as a person. When you surrender, you learn to trust yourself and the Universe more. You develop more faith, courage, and resilience. You also learn to embrace uncertainty, change, and challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

• You will achieve your goals faster and easier. When you surrender, you stop forcing things to happen, and allow them to happen naturally. You cooperate with the Universe, instead of resisting it. You also focus on your intentions, rather than your expectations. You let go of the how, when, and where, and focus on the why and what.

Surrendering your goals, intentions, and worries to the Universe is not always easy. It takes practice, patience, and perseverance. It is worth it. Surrendering can transform your life in amazing ways. It can help you live with more joy, ease, and fulfillment.

If you want to learn more about how to surrender your goals, intentions, and worries to the Universe, check out this book: The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer. It is a fascinating memoir of how one man decided to let go of his personal preferences and simply let life take its course.

You may be wondering how you can surrender to the Universe and enjoy the benefits that it can bring to your life.

Here are some practical and effective steps that you can take to surrender to the Universe:
• Set your goals, intentions, and worries with clarity and positivity. Be clear about what you want to achieve, experience, or resolve in your life. Write them down or say them out loud. Use positive and affirmative language. Avoid words like “don’t”, “can’t”, or “won’t”. For example, instead of saying “I don’t want to be sick”, say “I want to be healthy”. Instead of saying “I can’t find a good job”, say “I want to find a fulfilling career”. Instead of saying “I won’t have enough money”, say “I want to have financial abundance”.

• Ask the Universe for guidance and assistance. Once you have set your goals, intentions, and worries, ask the Universe to help you achieve them. You can do this in different ways, such as praying, meditating, visualizing, affirming, or writing a letter to the Universe. Express your gratitude and appreciation for the Universe’s support and love. Trust that the Universe will provide you with the best possible solution for your highest good.

• Take inspired action. Surrendering to the Universe does not mean sitting back and doing nothing. It means taking action that is aligned with your goals, intentions, and worries and that is inspired by your intuition and inner guidance. Listen to your gut feelings and follow your hunches. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities that the Universe sends you. Be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and opportunities. Be proactive and persistent in pursuing your dreams.

• Let go of your attachment to specific outcomes, timelines, or methods. One of the biggest challenges of surrendering to the Universe is letting go of your expectations and preferences about how things should happen, when they should happen, or what they should look like. When you are attached to specific outcomes, timelines, or methods, you limit the possibilities and potentials that the Universe can offer you. You also create resistance and frustration when things don’t go according to your plan. Instead of being attached, be detached. Allow the Universe to surprise you with its infinite creativity and wisdom. Be open to receive whatever comes your way with gratitude and curiosity.

• Release your fears, doubts, and worries. Another major obstacle of surrendering to the Universe is holding on to your fears, doubts, and worries. When you are afraid, doubtful, or worried, you block the flow of energy and abundance that the Universe wants to give you. You also lower your vibration and attract more of what you don’t want. Instead of holding on, release them. Acknowledge them without judging them. Express them without suppressing them. Then let them go with love and compassion. Replace them with positive thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that support your goals, intentions, and worries.

Here is a surrender and manifest meditation:


If you don’t have much time, relax, invite the Universe (or your preferred Higher Power) in, ask for guidance, call out your goals, intentions, and/or worries that you wish to surrender, feel these in your body and note where in your body, send gratefulness and love and light to your body, gather them up and throw or blow them out (I create an energy ball) into the Universe. Forgive yourself, be grateful, feel love and light for yourself, and thank the Universe (or your preferred Higher Power) for helping you surrender and taking care of them for you. This can be done in 5-10 minutes.

Surrendering to the Universe is a powerful practice that can transform your life in amazing ways. It can help you achieve more peace, abundance, happiness, and growth in different areas of your life. It can also help you connect with your true self and the source of all creation. Try it today and see for yourself!

See you next week!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.