Over the last few months, I’ve grown more spiritually, learning and using concepts to better myself, others, and the world we live in.

This next series, we will delve into practices that I’ve been doing for years, have used and tried, and ones that are fairly new for me. I look forward to sharing them with you.

Growing up in a large and close family, I’ve been accustomed to hugging since I was very young.
My spirituality over the last several years has increased the energies and found the truer meanings of hugging.

I’d like to share the different types of hugs.

The Different Types Of Hugging And What Each One Means

Hugging is a common way of expressing affection, comfort, support, or gratitude. Did you know that there are different types of hugging, and each one can convey a different meaning? We will explore some of the most common types of hugging and what they mean.

The Bear Hug: This is a tight and powerful hug that involves wrapping both arms around the other person and squeezing them. This type of hug shows that you are very close to the other person and that you care deeply about them.

It can also indicate protection, strength, or support. A bear hug can be given by anyone, but it is especially common among family members or close friends.

The Side Hug: This is a casual and friendly hug that involves wrapping one arm around the other person’s shoulder or waist. This type of hug shows that you are comfortable with the other person and that you enjoy their company. It can also indicate friendship, affection, or appreciation.

A side hug can be given by anyone, but it is especially common among acquaintances, colleagues, or casual friends.

The Back Hug: This is a romantic and intimate hug that involves wrapping both arms around the other person from behind. This type of hug shows that you are very attracted to the other person and that you want to be close to them. It can also indicate trust, security, or love. A back hug can be given by anyone, but it is especially common among couples or lovers.

The Cheek Hug: This is a polite and respectful hug that involves leaning in and touching cheeks with the other person.
This type of hug shows that you are cordial with the other person and that you respect them. It can also indicate greeting, farewell, or congratulations. A cheek hug can be given by anyone, but it is especially common among people from different cultures or backgrounds.

The One-Arm Hug: This is a brief and awkward hug that involves wrapping one arm around the other person and patting them on the back. This type of hug shows that you are not very comfortable with the other person and that you want to end the hug quickly. It can also indicate indifference, hesitation, or discomfort.

A one-arm hug can be given by anyone, but it is especially common among strangers, distant relatives, or people who don’t like hugging.

A Heart To Heart Hug: This is a special way of embracing someone that can make you feel more connected and loved. It is also known as a soul hug or a heart chakra hug.
(This is my favorite type of hug and only use it with my spiritual based friends)

These are the steps to give a heart to heart hug:
• Stand facing the person you want to hug and make eye contact. Smile and ask for permission to hug them.
• If they agree, place your left arm over their right shoulder and your right arm under their left arm. This way, your hearts will be aligned on the same side.
• Press your chest against theirs and feel your heartbeats sync up. Breathe deeply and relax your shoulders.
• Hold the hug for at least 20 seconds, or longer if you both feel comfortable. You can also whisper some words of appreciation or affirmation to the person you are hugging.
• Gently release the hug and thank the person for sharing this moment with you.

A heart to heart hug can be a powerful way to express your love, gratitude, and support to someone. It can also help you heal from stress, loneliness, or grief. Try it with someone you trust and see how it makes you feel.

We can’t forget about this type of hug-
Tree Hugging: This practice involves embracing a tree with one’s arms and body. Some people believe that tree hugging can provide various benefits, such as reducing stress, improving mood, connecting with nature, and enhancing well-being. Others may simply enjoy the feeling of being close to a living organism that has been around for a long time.

Hugging is a wonderful way of expressing and receiving love, but it can also be confusing sometimes. By being aware of the possible meanings behind different types of hugs, you can better understand and communicate your feelings and needs with others.

What type of hugger are you? Please share with me.

See you next week!