Over the last few months, I’ve grown more spiritually, learning and using concepts to better myself, others, and the world we live in.

This next series, we will delve into practices that I’ve been doing for years, have used and tried, and ones that are fairly new for me. I look forward to sharing them with you.

There is so much going on at work, in our environment, our health, and government undertakings, I feel that protecting ourselves is at an utmost necessity.

How Can Askfirmations Benefit your Manifestions

What are askfirmations and how can they help you achieve your goals?

Askfirmations are positive questions that you ask yourself to activate your subconscious mind and align it with your conscious desires.  Unlike affirmations, which are statements of what you want to be true, askfirmations are inquiries that invite you to explore the possibilities and solutions that already exist within you.

For example, instead of saying “I am confident and successful”, you can ask yourself “Why am I so confident and successful?”  This way, you are not trying to convince yourself of something that you may not believe, but rather opening up your mind to discover the reasons and evidence that support your desired outcome.  By asking empowering questions, you are also stimulating your curiosity and creativity, which can help you overcome challenges and find new opportunities.

Some of the benefits of using askfirmations are:
• They help you shift from a negative to a positive mindset.  When you ask yourself positive questions, you are focusing on what you want, not on what you don’t want.  You are also avoiding the resistance and doubt that may arise when you use affirmations that contradict your current reality.

• They help you access your inner wisdom and intuition.  When you ask yourself positive questions, you are activating your subconscious mind, which is the source of your unlimited potential and creativity. Your subconscious mind will then work to find the answers and solutions that match your questions and guide you towards your goals.

• They help you attract more of what you want.  When you ask yourself positive questions, you are sending out a clear signal to the universe of what you desire.  You are also aligning your vibration with the frequency of your goals, which will attract more opportunities and resources that support them.

How can you use askfirmations in your daily life? Here are some tips:
• Choose a specific goal or area of your life that you want to improve or manifest.

• Formulate a positive question that reflects your desired outcome, using the words “why” or “how”.  For example, “Why do I have such a loving and supportive partner?” or “How do I make more money doing what I love?”

• Repeat your question several times throughout the day, especially in the morning and at night.  You can also write it down, say it out loud, or record it and listen to it.

• Be open and receptive to the answers and guidance that come to you.  You may receive them in the form of insights, ideas, intuitions, synchronicities, or opportunities. Follow them with trust and action.

• Express gratitude for the answers and solutions that you receive and celebrate your progress and achievements.

A great and quick askfirmations meditation that I have been listening to for the past month or so by Elmer O. Locker, Jr.: https://youtu.be/byMH93DZ5Ug?si=y1XgyiKmgJEYjxbn

Askfirmations are a powerful tool that can help you transform your life and achieve your goals.  By asking yourself positive questions, you can activate your subconscious mind, access your inner wisdom, and attract more of what you want.  Start using askfirmations today and see the difference they make in your reality!