intheendIn the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make… it’s not too late to get going, now.  Just do it.  I believe that chances not taken, relationships not built, and decisions not made come down to 4 issues- The first one is FEAR (False Emotions/Events Appearing Real), the second one is Lack of Clarity, the third one is Lack of Confidence, and the fourth one is Negativity.

FEAR- we all fear something, whether it’s spiders and snakes, heights, large crowds, failure, success, love/relationships, leaving our comfort zones, illness/early death, etc.  What is greatly unknown about fear is that your deepest fears are only in your mind- they are nearly impossible to fully play out.  Your deepest fears will not get to the drastic measures that you think.  Knowing that, will hopefully give you some relief.  Now, to tackle why these fears are holding you back.  Take small steps and peck away at the comfort zone that is leaving you in mediocrity.  Little by little, step by step, you’ll find that taking the chances are positive moves for you.  Sure, there may be bumps in the road, but you’ll push through them.  You’ll actually start to have fun and enjoy the challenges along the way.  In the end, it wasn’t all that scary to begin with.

Lack of Clarity- what do you want out of your life, your goals and dreams?  What makes you get up in the morning?  What is your WHY?   Unfortunately, many people don’t have answers to these questions.  A lot of missed opportunities go by without any direction or a goal to go after.  Take the time to get a goals and dreams list together.  Find out who you really are- go inside and listen to your heart and answer the questions above.  There are a lot of opportunities waiting for you to awaken them.

Lack of Confidence and Negativity can go hand in hand- lack of confidence is often brought on by negativity from family, friends, and co-workers/colleagues.  Not always on purpose or knowing that they are doing it, but the “why do you want to do that”, the “you can’t do that”, the you’re not good enough/qualified to do that”, the “you should be (or do)… instead” are the negative statements that pop up when we have what we think is a good idea or what we’d like to do.  Not only are they demeaning and putting you down, but much of their input is from not being educated enough about your ideas or wants, but just personal opinions, allowing you to be or feel less and not confident about your capabilities.  They will often say that they are just looking out for you and don’t want you to get hurt or fail down the road, but what is more hurtful are the negativity and non support.  By the way, there is nothing wrong with failing, as long as you pick yourself up and try again, and again.  Don’t listen to all of the nay sayers- you may find yourself losing some friends, but you’ll be gaining other friends that are there for you and will support you.  Take some chances, find your perfect relationships, and make some decisions… no regrets.

If you are having regrets about where you and/or where your business is or want to be, I can help you out in the ways as explained above and more… I am here to support you and hold your visions for you.  Learn more about me, the work that I do, and the services that I offer that can and will get you up and running… with no regrets:

Contact me to set up a meeting or a Discovery session.

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Thank you.


An Infinite Abundance Of Wealth, Health, & Happiness
* Strategic Attraction Plan Consultant for heart-centered small businesses, self employers, and solopreneurs
* Love Relationships Coach- helping singles attract their True & Everlasting Love
* Advanced Reiki Practitioner- helping those heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually using holistic energy therapies
— I establish and accomplish my divine presence and purpose from a heart-centered place on Earth, Universally allowing our infinite freedom for Wealth, Health, & Happiness