In my yearning to help people to be the best that they can be and helping small businesses to consciously attract their PERFECT relationships, I’ve come upon a rather, what one would normally think rarely exists, but occurs quite frequently- those who have the material abundance (money, assets, etc.) but are unhappy. It’s true, one can’t buy love and happiness.

So, who am I to help the monetarily abundant when, I, myself, don’t have the 7 or 8 figure bank account(s)? But, what I do have, those who have the material assets and are unhappy, are lacking and can’t be bought- the emotional ties. This includes happiness, love, gratefulness and appreciation, etc.

…or do I have the monetary abundance? Keep in mind that abundance doesn’t have a price tag attached to it. This was realized just a few days ago during a laser coaching session that I had… living life at 200%. 100% monetarily abundant and 100% emotionally abundant… and I do have both! My recent story describes life at 200%…

I’ve been in the Ballroom Dance world for about 25 years- nearly 15 years dancing competitively as an amateur with my wife and my instructors and, over the last 10+ years, officiating at competitions. My Aunt Mary got into ballroom dancing after my uncle passed in the early 80s or so for “therapy” and to keep herself busy. (Yes, she is living life at 200%, even at the young age of 92- she’s going to kill me for spilling her age). I call her Auntie M. and I consider her as one of my true heroes. Not only has she supported me throughout my childhood, but continues to do so in my adulthood, in many ways. When she is competing at a competition that I am working, I get extra excited knowing that I will see her on and off the floor. Last weekend, at the Tri-State Challenge DanceSport Championships, was one of those times. I will usually brag to my dance colleagues that it’s “all her fault” that I am there and that by way of dancing, I had met my wife.

Auntie M. was scheduled to dance on Friday, being very busy at work, it had slipped my mind. Every now and then, I get to look up from my computer (not noticing her name in my computer right in front of me) and watch the dancers have a great time on the floor. Looking up, I had noticed that she was on the floor and had just started dancing the Waltz, the first of four dances, and continued to watch her Tango, Foxtrot, and Viennese Waltz, until it was time to work again. Watching her dance with her professional partner, David, as always, I get a rush of beautiful emotions pouring through me- happiness, love, that’s my Auntie M. out there, smiling from ear to ear, cheering for her, how beautiful she looks out there, also comes with that is appreciation and gratefulness. As I write this and think back a few weeks ago, I’m getting teary eyed. During the awards break, I went onto the floor to say hi to her, giving her a kiss on both cheeks, as we Italians have been brought up to do, gave her a big hug and told her how great she looked out there. She had danced a second set a short time later, but I was too busy to watch her this time around, not even getting the chance to say good bye to her as she left for home. She later called to tell me that it was great to see us there and had asked me to pick up the DVD of her recorded dances that she had forgotten to pick up. Of course, I had no problem doing her that small favor… and I get to watch her dance all over again and to also show my mom, her sister, who hasn’t ever seen her dance, before I see her to give it to her.

On top of that, just being in the dance world- the dancers (pros and amateurs), the number of officials that we work with, the music, the spectators, the vendors, the ballroom/event center, the dining and celebratory martinis, the camaraderie, in general, oh , what magical energy that I am attracted to! This is the 100% of my emotional abundant life that I possess. While speaking to my mom the day after I got home from the competition, she mentioned that she had spoken to Aunty M. and that she (my aunt) told her that I came onto the floor during the awards ceremony to say hi, gave her a kiss, etc. It’s a great feeling that she remembers that one moment at the competition that lasted maybe 5 minutes.

The 100% of the monetary abundance that I claim is that I get paid to do this! Yes, I get paid well, with expenses covered, to have a great time! I am fortunate enough to experience these emotional and monetary abundancies several times each year… and this is just from enjoying the beautiful art and sport called dance.

It is now one of my goals to help the unhappy wealthy to live 200% of their lives. Imagine being materialistically wealthy and emotionally wealthy at the same time- what a better world it would be! What better results is there? Again, doing what I love to do and getting paid to do it.

Leonard M. Diana

An Infinite Abundance Of Wealth, Health, & Happiness
* Strategic Attraction Plan Consultant for heart-centered small businesses, self employed, and solopreneurs
* Love Relationships Coach- helping singles attract their True & Everlasting Love
* Master Reiki Teacher & Practitioner- helping those heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually using holistic energy therapies
I establish and accomplish my divine presence and purpose from a heart-centered place on Earth, Universally allowing our infinite freedom for Wealth, Health, & Happiness