This week is dedicated to kindness.  Kindness is found everywhere and all the time, however, unless you are being intentional it’s not readily seen or noticed.  Noticing it puts one in a place of Heart-Centeredness.

It feels great seeing others being kind to each other, being the receiver of kindness, yet, even better being the giver of kindness.  I was fortunate to have intentionally experienced all 3 this week.  Many are repeated acts of kindness while at work, shopping, banking, on the road, at events, being with family, friends, colleagues, clients, your pets, even out in nature.  I was the giver and receiver in each of these this week, well, I’m sure every day, however, intentionally noticed them.  I will no longer take kindness for granted.

I’m challenging you to become intentional to acts of kindness for just a day.  Believe me, once you get started, it’s ongoing, and that’s OK.  What have you done to be kind to others?  What acts of kindness have you received?  What have you seen during the day with others being kind to each other?

Thank you.

Until next week!