What One Can Expect During A Reiki Session

A Reiki session is a unique experience that varies from person to person, and there are common elements that one can anticipate. Reiki, a form of energy healing that originated in Japan, involves a practitioner channeling universal energy to the recipient to enhance the body’s natural healing processes and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Before the Session
Preparation for a Reiki session is minimal for the client. I suggest wearing comfortable clothing and to come with an open mind. Some practitioners advise against consuming alcohol, caffeine, or heavy meals before a session, although I agree with this, a light meal is recommended before the session and to drink clean liquids so their stomach doesn’t rumble during the session. I will ask you to discuss any particular issues you wish to address, whether they’re physical, emotional, or spiritual.

Preparation for the Reiki practitioner includes cleansing the room through prayer/intentions and using the symbols that we received during our attunements, have soft ambient Reiki music, and/or drumming in the background. Many practitioners, as I do, myself, will use a relaxing essential oil diffusing in the room. If using crystals and sound healing, they are prepped and laid out nearby for ease of use. We call forth and send intentions to receive the healing energy and to ask our Reiki guides to work with us during the session. Personally, I call upon the Universe, Mother Earth, my Reiki guides, angels and guides of the highest vibrations, and my client’s angel and guides (yes, we all have them) to work with me. I also draw the attuned symbols on my palms and in the air above my client’s head and heart.

During the Session
A typical Reiki session begins with a brief conversation between the practitioner and client. This discussion helps set the intention for the session and allows the practitioner to understand any specific needs or concerns of the client.

The session itself usually takes place in a calm, quiet environment (during the Spring, Summer, and early Autumn, I prefer to having Reiki sessions outdoors in nature). The recipient lies fully clothed on a massage table while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or just above the body. I start at the head (Crown Chakra), allowing the healing energies to enter my clients and work my way around their body. I then have them turn over and I work around the client as I did previously. There is no massage or manipulation of the skin or muscles. The practitioner’s hands are typically held in each position for a few minutes before moving to the next area.

Recipients may feel a variety of sensations during a Reiki session. Common experiences include warmth or tingling in the areas where the practitioner’s hands are placed, a sense of deep relaxation, or even falling asleep. Some individuals report feeling emotional release or seeing colors or visions.

At the end of the session, I will stand back from my client and send Reiki energy to their aura. I then brush away any remaining negative energies starting from the client’s head down to their feet and bring in refreshing energies starting from their feet to their head. I close the session by drawing the symbols above the head and heart, as I did at the start of the session, give thanks to the Universe, Mother Earth, my Reiki guides, angels and guides, and my client’s angels and guides. Finally, waking up my clients or letting them know that the session is over with a soft taping on the shoulder and whispering that we are done, asking them to take their time to sit up. Thanking them.

I ask for their feedback- how are they feeling? What did they experience during the session? Do they have any questions?

I then offer my feedback on what I felt during the session and answering to their feelings and experiences. If they saw visions, I will research the spiritual meanings and get back to them.

After the Session
After a Reiki session, it’s common to feel refreshed and relaxed. It’s advised to drink plenty of water and take it easy for the rest of the day. It’s rare that some people may experience what’s known as a “healing crisis,” where the body’s process of detoxification causes temporary symptoms like headaches or fatigue. This is generally seen as a positive sign that the body is healing. My clients will also experience sleeping well that night and for the next few nights.

Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki works on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels and complement other holistic, alternative, and medical treatments and contribute to a greater sense of well-being. Benefits reported by recipients include reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep, pain relief, and a boost in mood and energy levels.

Finding a Practitioner
When looking for a Reiki practitioner, it’s important to find someone who is certified and whom you feel comfortable with. Many practitioners offer an initial consultation to answer any questions and provide an opportunity to discuss what you hope to achieve from the sessions. I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher and always takes time to answer any questions that potential clients may have, allowing them to decide if this is right for them.

Reiki sessions can be a deeply personal and profound experience, offering a space for healing and relaxation. While the effects of Reiki vary, many find it to be a valuable addition to their wellness routine.

The most important aspect is to approach Reiki with an open mind and without specific expectations, allowing the experience to unfold naturally.

See you next week!