
Knowledge Leads To Healing

We are our own worst critics. We over analyze, condemn, scrutinize and ridicule ourselves to near ruination if a decision or choice fails. We underestimate our own self-worth because we feel it can’t possibly happen that a dream can turn into reality. Negatives resurface like an old friend, drawing us in for another drunken round [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:35:52+00:00August 7th, 2015|Happiness, Health, Wealth|1 Comment

Persist unitl success!

I will persist until I succeed... This is the mindset that you need to be in on a daily basis.  Make a list of your goals and get to work.  Take it step by step.  If bumps and road blocks come along, deal with them strategically, then move forward.  Don't let anything get in the way [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:17+00:00August 25th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Learning how to succeed!

Learning how to succeed is what takes time... the challenge is it takes work to learn it and then work to do it... and that my friends, is the test most people will not bother to pass... This message speaks to me loud and clear.  I think that these "most people" are looking for immediate [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:22+00:00August 3rd, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments
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