
The Health Benefits of Blue Fruits and Vegetables

This week, I’ll be continuing a series on the health benefits of certain liquids and foods that I have on a daily basis or often. The tenth of the series, we continue a series within a series- eating from the rainbow or Chakra colors. This week, we will learn about blue or Throat chakra foods. [...]

By |2023-08-18T14:10:15+00:00August 18th, 2023|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on The Health Benefits of Blue Fruits and Vegetables

Your Diet Is Not Only What You Eat

I posted the following quote on my personal FB page a few days ago.  I loved its message, so I decided to dedicate this month's blog to it: What you eat.  One's diet doesn't necessarily mean a weight loss plan, diet is a general term for one's daily or habitual food intake.  Be mindful of [...]

By |2021-04-27T22:04:37+00:00April 27th, 2021|Happiness, Health|Comments Off on Your Diet Is Not Only What You Eat