
The Anahata Chakra, The Heart Chakra

Last week, we learned about the Manipura Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra. This week, we learn about The Anahata Chakra, The Heart Chakra.  The fourth of the main chakras. The Anahata Chakra, The Heart Chakra The Anahata chakra, also known as the heart chakra, is the fourth primary chakra according to various Eastern spiritual traditions. [...]

By |2024-06-21T19:54:49+00:00June 21st, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on The Anahata Chakra, The Heart Chakra

The Manipura Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra

Last week, we learned about the the Svadhishthana Chakra. This week, we learn about the The Manipura Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, the third of the major chakras. The Manipura Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra The Manipura chakra, also known as the solar plexus or navel chakra, is a pivotal point in the subtle body's [...]

By |2024-06-14T13:36:42+00:00June 14th, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on The Manipura Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra

Muladhara, The Root Chakra

Last week, we learned about the seven main Chakras, in general. This week and for the next 6 weeks, we’ll go into more detail about each of the major Chakras. Muladhara, the Root Chakra The Root Chakra, known as Muladhara in Sanskrit, is the foundation of the chakra system. Located at the base of the [...]

By |2024-05-31T21:03:35+00:00May 31st, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on Muladhara, The Root Chakra

The Chakras: An In-Depth Exploration

Last week, we learned how one can learn and become certified in Reiki Energy Healing. This week, we will explore The Chakras, as a whole, and, in the following weeks, we will delve into each of the chakras in more detail. The Chakras: An In-Depth Exploration The concept of chakras plays a central role in [...]

By |2024-05-24T14:15:53+00:00May 24th, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on The Chakras: An In-Depth Exploration

How Do You Learn Reiki Energy Healing?

Last week, we learned about the daily practice and the meaning of The Reiki Precepts. Are you wondering how you can learn Reiki to help heal yourself and others? This week, we are doing just that- How Do You Learn Reiki Energy Healing. Learning Reiki Energy Healing involves a process known as attunement, which is [...]

By |2024-05-17T13:43:05+00:00May 17th, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on How Do You Learn Reiki Energy Healing?

The Reiki Precepts

Last week, we delved into what Distance Reiki Energy Healing is and how it can help people feel and get better naturally, without the hands on/light touch method.  This week, I want to expand more about my PASSION and describe The Reiki Precepts of which I recite daily. Just for today, I will not worry [...]

By |2024-05-10T15:02:47+00:00May 10th, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on The Reiki Precepts

Distance Reiki Energy Healing

Last week, we delved into what Reiki Energy Healing is and how it can help people feel and get better with the light touch/no touch therapy. This week, I want to expand more about my PASSION that solves a problem and helps change the world for the better.  When it’s not possible to work with [...]

By |2024-05-03T14:05:58+00:00May 3rd, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on Distance Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki Energy Healing

Thank you for participating in the 21 week affirmation challenge.  I hope that you’ve put the affirmations to use each week, repeated them throughout the days, enjoyed these exercises, and benefitted from them. This week, I want to talk about a work PASSION of mine that, in due time, will solve a problem that helps [...]

By |2024-04-26T14:55:41+00:00April 26th, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on Reiki Energy Healing

Every Moment Of Every Day, I Live My Life Abundantly

Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day. This is our final affirmation of the series. I challenge you, now, to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have! [...]

By |2024-04-19T13:56:54+00:00April 19th, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on Every Moment Of Every Day, I Live My Life Abundantly

I Treat Myself To Moments Of Luxury

Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day. Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title. I challenge you, now, to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity [...]

By |2024-04-12T16:07:24+00:00April 12th, 2024|Happiness, Health, Wealth|Comments Off on I Treat Myself To Moments Of Luxury
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