Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations, receiving one each day. Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title.

I challenge you, now, to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 10: “I Make Great Choices Because They Are Made With Full Awareness “.

I make great choices because they are made with full awareness– this is a phrase that I often repeat to myself when I face a difficult decision or a challenging situation. It helps me to remind myself of the power and responsibility that I have over my own life.

What does it mean to make choices with full awareness? It means that I consider all the relevant factors, such as the pros and cons, the consequences, the alternatives, the risks and the opportunities, before I make a decision. It also means that I acknowledge and accept the emotions, thoughts and feelings that arise from my choices, without denying or suppressing them. It means that I am honest with myself and others about what I want and what I can do.

Making choices with full awareness does not guarantee that I will always make the best or the right choices. Sometimes, I may make mistakes or regret my decisions and it does guarantee that I will learn from my experiences and grow as a person. It also guarantees that I will not blame others or external circumstances for my choices and take full ownership and accountability for them.

Making choices with full awareness is not easy. It requires courage, patience, self-awareness, and self-discipline. It also requires a willingness to change and adapt when necessary. It is worth it, because it gives me a sense of control, confidence, and satisfaction in my life.

Making great choices is a skill that can be learned and improved over time. We will explore some examples of how to make great choices in different aspects of life, such as health, career, relationships, and personal growth.

Health: One of the most important choices we can make is to take care of our physical and mental health. Some examples of making great choices for our health are:
• Eating a balanced diet that provides us with the nutrients we need
• Exercising regularly to keep our body and mind fit and strong
• Getting enough sleep to rest and recharge our energy
• Managing stress in healthy ways, such as meditation, yoga, or hobbies
• Seeking professional help when we face health issues or challenges

Career: Another important choice we can make is to pursue a career that aligns with our values, interests, and goals. Some examples of making great choices for our career are:
• Exploring different options and opportunities that match our skills and passions
• Setting realistic and achievable goals and working hard to reach them
• Seeking feedback and learning from our mistakes and successes
• Networking and building relationships with people who can support us and inspire us
• Balancing work and life and finding time for ourselves and our loved ones

Relationships: A third important choice we can make is to cultivate positive and meaningful relationships with others. Some examples of making great choices for our relationships are:
• Being honest, respectful, and compassionate with ourselves and others
• Communicating effectively and listening actively to understand and be understood
• Resolving conflicts constructively and peacefully
• Supporting and encouraging each other’s growth and happiness
• Celebrating and appreciating each other’s differences and similarities

Personal growth: A fourth important choice we can make is to invest in our personal growth and development. Some examples of making great choices for our personal growth are:
• Reading books, articles, or blogs that enrich our knowledge and perspective
• Taking courses, workshops, or seminars that enhance our skills and abilities
• Traveling, volunteering, or joining clubs that expose us to new cultures and experiences
• Reflecting on our strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs
• Challenging ourselves to step out of our comfort zone and try new things

These are just some examples of making great choices in life. Of course, there are many more ways to make great choices that suit our individual needs and preferences.

The key is to be aware of the consequences of our choices, both positive and negative, and to learn from them. By making great choices, we can improve our quality of life, achieve our goals, and fulfill our potential.

I make great choices because they are made with full awareness. This is not just a phrase, but a philosophy and a practice that guides me every day.

See you next week!