Last year around this time, I entered into a 21 day challenge reciting positive and inspirational affirmations. receiving one each day. Over the next 21 weeks, we will discuss each one, with the affirmation as the title.

I challenge you, going into the New Year to recite each affirmation daily for the week. The more you repeat with positivity and assurance, the better outcome you will have!

Week 1: “I Constantly Attract Abundance With My Thoughts”

One of the most powerful principles of the Law Of Attraction is that we constantly attract abundance with our thoughts. What is the importance of this statement and how can it help you manifest your desired reality?

The law of attraction states that whatever we focus on, we attract more of. This means that our thoughts are like magnets that draw to us the corresponding experiences, people, and circumstances. Therefore, if we want to attract abundance in any area of our life, we need to think abundantly.

What does it mean to think abundantly? It means to have a mindset of gratitude, optimism, and possibility. It means to believe that there is enough for everyone and that we live in a generous and benevolent universe. It means to affirm that we are worthy and deserving of all the good things that life has to offer.

When we think abundantly, we align ourselves with the vibration of abundance. We become a match for the frequency of wealth, prosperity, and success. We open ourselves to receive the infinite opportunities and resources that are available to us. We activate the creative power of our subconscious mind and attract the right ideas, actions, and solutions.

However, when we think in terms of lack, limitation, and scarcity, we do the opposite. We lower our vibration and repel abundance. We create resistance and blockages in our energy field. We sabotage our own efforts and miss out on the opportunities and resources that are meant for us. We attract more of what we don’t want instead of what we do want.

Therefore, it is crucial to monitor our thoughts and make sure they are aligned with abundance. One way to do this is to use positive affirmations such as “I constantly attract abundance with my thoughts”. Affirmations are statements that we repeat to ourselves to program our subconscious mind and change our beliefs. By affirming that we constantly attract abundance with our thoughts, we reinforce the idea that we are in control of our reality and that we can create anything we desire.

Another way to think abundantly is to practice gratitude. Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation for what we have and what we receive. By expressing gratitude for the abundance that is already present in our life, we acknowledge the source of all abundance and invite more of it into our experience. Gratitude also shifts our focus from what is missing to what is abundant, which creates a positive feedback loop that attracts more abundance.

A third way to think abundantly is to visualize our desired outcome. Visualization is the process of creating mental images of what we want to manifest. By visualizing our desired outcome in vivid detail, we activate the law of attraction and send a clear signal to the universe of what we want.

Visualization also helps us feel the emotions associated with having what we want, which amplifies our attraction power and makes us more receptive to abundance.

Thinking abundantly is one of the key factors for attracting abundance in any area of our life. By using affirmations, gratitude, and visualization, we can train our mind to think positively and expectantly about our goals and dreams. By doing so, we will constantly attract abundance with our thoughts and manifest our desired reality.

I hope that you enjoy this challenge. Let me know of your experiences, attractions, and results.

See you next week!