Len Diana

About Len Diana

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So far Len Diana has created 215 blog entries.

Live your dreams!

Keep calm and live your dreams... When we were kids, we used to day dream often and, quite often, our parents or teachers would yell at us to wake up, come back to reality.  Now that we are adults, give yourself permission, it's OK, I promise.  As a matter of fact, it should become a daily [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:19+00:00August 16th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Get Reiki!

Keep calm and get Reiki... As a Reiki client and certified practitioner, I absolutely feel that Reiki Energy Healing is a safe and effective alternative therapy to health and happiness.  Reiki Healing sessions can heal on the physical level, as well as mentally, emotionally, and spiritually- no pharmaceutical medication can match that.  Pharm meds are not [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:19+00:00August 15th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|1 Comment

Keep going, don’t quit!

Keep going.  No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up and think to yourself "there's no point to carry on", no matter how many people tell you that you can't do it- keep going.  Don't quit.  Don't quit, because a month from now, you will be that much closer to [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:19+00:00August 14th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Keep people or let them go!

Keep people who love you, motivate you, encourage you, enhance you, and make you happy.  If a person does none of these things, let them go... You want to allow love and positivity into your life and your space and allow the negativity to leave.  Those who love, motivate, encourage, enhance, bring happiness, and support send [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:20+00:00August 13th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

It will happen!

Keep reminding yourself- if it is supposed to happen, it will... This is very important!  Because some your goals and dreams haven't manifested yet, don't give up on them, keep on believing that they will happen for you (if it is in your best interest).  Be positive and have a burning desire for your goals and dreams- [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:20+00:00August 12th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Keep smiling and feel good!

Keep smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting you... YES!, and add to that- feeling good right now and to continue to feel better.  Smiling is a positive frequency.  It sends positive vibes within yourself, to others, and into the Universe.  Allowing yourself to feel good, puts you in good spirits, giving [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:20+00:00August 11th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Making a change!

Knowing you need to make a change isn't enough.  You've got to find the guts to do it... This quip is right up my alley and has called out to me and continues to... and I support this wholeheartedly... it works if you move past your fears and take the steps to go past your comfort zone.  [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:20+00:00August 10th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Knowing yourself!

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom... One of the first questions that I ask my clients are "who are you?"  Knowing who you are really is the start of living your life.  Who are you deep down inside?...  What makes you get up in the morning?... What are your goals and dreams?... What is your [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:21+00:00August 9th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Knowledge and Wisdom!

Knowledge is learning something every day.  Wisdom is letting go of something every day... My interpretation of this is to learn about something new every day- whether it is about yourself, your business/career, your relationship, a friend, a family member, what's going on in your community, etc.  By learning any one or more of these [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:21+00:00August 8th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

Lack of Direction vs Lack of Time!

Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem.  We all have twenty-four hour days... I can definitely relate to this.  Hearing from so many people that they need more time in the day.  That was me in the past, having things to do during the day and only getting a few of them [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:21+00:00August 7th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments