Over the last few months, I’ve grown more spiritually, learning and using concepts to better myself, others, and the world we live in.

This next series, we will delve into practices that I’ve been doing for years and ones that are fairly new for me. I look forward to sharing them with you.

Restoring The Health And Harmony Of The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra, also known as the Ajna Chakra, is the sixth energy center in the body. It is located between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition, vision, imagination, and wisdom. The Third Eye Chakra allows us to see beyond the physical realm and connect with our higher self and the divine.

However, the Third Eye Chakra can become blocked or imbalanced due to various factors, such as stress, trauma, fear, doubt, environmental toxins, or lack of spiritual practice. When this happens, we may experience symptoms such as headaches, confusion, insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, depression, or lack of clarity. We may also lose touch with our inner guidance and feel disconnected from our purpose and our true self.

To restore the health and harmony of the Third Eye Chakra, we need to cleanse it regularly and remove any negative energy or influences that are preventing it from functioning optimally. Cleansing the third eye chakra is a powerful way to enhance your spiritual growth and awaken your psychic abilities. You will be able to access your inner wisdom and guidance more easily and confidently. You will also be able to see beyond the illusions of the ego and align yourself with your true essence and purpose.

There are many ways to cleanse the third eye chakra, such as meditation, visualization, affirmations, crystals, aromatherapy, sound healing and/or diet. Here are some steps you can follow to perform simple and effective cleansing of the Third Eye Chakra:

Meditation, visualization, and affirmations
Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can relax and focus on your breathing. You can sit or lie down, whichever feels more natural to you.

• Close your eyes and bring your attention to the area between your eyebrows. Imagine a bright indigo light shining there, representing the color of the third eye chakra.

• Breathe deeply and slowly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. As you breathe in, imagine that you are drawing in pure and positive energy from the universe into your Third Eye Chakra. As you breathe out, imagine that you are releasing any negative or stagnant energy from your Third Eye Chakra.

• Repeat this process for as long as you feel comfortable, or until you sense that your Third Eye Chakra is clear and balanced. You may also repeat some affirmations to enhance the cleansing effect, such as “I trust my intuition”, “I see clearly”, “I am connected to my higher self”, and/or “I am open to divine guidance”.

• When you are done, gently open your eyes and thank yourself for taking the time to cleanse your Third Eye Chakra. You may also want to drink some water or eat some fruits to replenish your energy and ground yourself.

• Notice how you feel after the cleansing. You may feel more calm, alert, inspired, or creative. You may also notice some changes in your perception or awareness, such as having more vivid dreams, receiving intuitive insights, or seeing synchronicities.

There are several Third Eye meditation videos that you can use from YouTube. Pick your favorite and enjoy.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils extracted from plants to enhance physical, mental and emotional well-being. Essential oils can be diffused, inhaled, applied to the skin or added to a bath.

Some of the best essential oils for the 3rd Eye Chakra are:
• Lavender: This soothing oil helps to calm the mind, reduce stress and promote relaxation. It also enhances psychic abilities and spiritual awareness.

• Frankincense: This sacred oil has been used for centuries in spiritual rituals and meditation. It helps to open the 3rd Eye Chakra, connect with higher realms and increase intuition.

• Clary Sage: This stimulating oil helps to clear mental fog, boost creativity and sharpen vision. It also balances hormones and emotions.

• Sandalwood: This exotic oil helps to ground and center the mind, while also expanding consciousness and vision. It also promotes peace, harmony and healing.

• Rosemary: This invigorating oil helps to stimulate the brain, improve memory and concentration and enhance mental clarity. It also protects against negative energies and influences.

Again, I ask you to be careful when using essential oils, most as they are not 100% pure as stated on their labels. They often have fillers and extracts. Please read the ingredients carefully.

To use aromatherapy for the 3rd Eye Chakra, you can:
• Diffuse one or more of these oils in your room or workspace.

• Inhale one or more of these oils from a cotton ball or inhaler.

• Apply one or more of these oils diluted in a carrier oil to your forehead, temples or behind your ears.

• Add one or more of these oils to a warm bath with some Epsom salt or sea salt.

As you use aromatherapy for the 3rd Eye Chakra, you can also:
• Visualize a bright indigo light filling your Third Eye Chakra and expanding your vision.

• Repeat affirmations such as “I trust my intuition”, “I see clearly” or “I am connected to my higher self”.

• Meditate with a crystal such as amethyst, lapis lazuli or sodalite on your 3rd Eye Chakra.

• Listen to music or sounds that resonate with the 3rd Eye Chakra, such as chanting, bells or bowls.

Use crystals that resonate with its energy and vibration.

Some of the best crystals for the 3rd Eye Chakra are:
• Amethyst: This purple stone is known for its calming and soothing properties. It can help you access higher states of consciousness and enhance your intuition and psychic abilities.

• Lapis Lazuli: This blue stone is a symbol of wisdom and truth. It can help you communicate with your guides and access your inner knowledge. It can also stimulate your imagination and creativity.

• Clear Quartz: This clear stone is a powerful amplifier and cleanser. It can help you clear any negative or stagnant energy from your 3rd Eye Chakra and enhance your mental clarity and focus.

• Fluorite: This multicolored stone is a master healer and protector. It can help you balance your mental and emotional state and harmonize your chakras. It can also increase your awareness and intuition.

To use crystals to cleanse the 3rd Eye Chakra, you can:
• Place them on your forehead or between your eyebrows while meditating or relaxing.

• Wear them as jewelry or carry them in your pocket or purse.

• Place them around your bed or under your pillow to promote lucid dreaming and astral projection.

• Create a crystal grid or altar with them in your sacred space.

Remember to cleanse your crystals regularly by smudging them with sage, rinsing them with water, or exposing them to sunlight or moonlight. You can also charge them with your intention by holding them in your hands and visualizing a beam of light connecting your Third Eye Chakra with the crystal.

Diet & Yoga
Here are short video presentations for sound healing, to decalcify the Third Eye Chakra and yoga to cleanse it.
Sound Healing


Refer back to the post from a few weeks ago- Healthy Foods for the Third Eye Chakra


Feel free to research other videos and meditation apps that work best for you.

By cleansing our third eye chakra regularly, we can enhance our intuition, vision, and psychic abilities. We can also experience more peace, joy, and connection with ourselves and the universe. May your ventures be of Love & Light.

See you next week!