Last week, we learned about the daily practice and the meaning of The Reiki Precepts.

Are you wondering how you can learn Reiki to help heal yourself and others?

This week, we are doing just that- How Do You Learn Reiki Energy Healing.

Learning Reiki Energy Healing involves a process known as attunement, which is traditionally passed from a Reiki Master to a student. The attunement process is a powerful spiritual experience that opens the student’s chakras to connect with the universal life force energy. It is said that once attuned, a person will have the ability to channel Reiki energy for life.

There are no prerequisites in terms of intellectual capacity or meditation skills; the practice is accessible to anyone willing to learn. It is also not bound by one’s previous experience with healing or spiritual practices. The attunement and subsequent practice can lead to personal growth, increased intuitive awareness, and a deeper understanding of spiritual healing.

To begin learning Reiki, one should seek a qualified Reiki Master or Teacher. This can be done through personal referrals, wellness centers, or complementary therapy practitioners. Many Reiki Masters offer classes in person, but with the advent of digital platforms, online courses have become available as well. These courses often provide a comprehensive curriculum that includes video tutorials, reading materials, and opportunities for live practice sessions.

It’s important to research and choose a course or teacher that aligns with your personal values and learning style. The courses offer certification and diplomas, which can be beneficial if you plan to practice Reiki professionally. Additionally, many Reiki communities and support groups exist where practitioners can share experiences and offer attunements at no extra cost.

The Levels And Requirements Of Reiki Certifications
Some practices use a 3 tiered training and some use 4. I train my students using the 4 levels of certification, allowing them to learn and deepen their experience at each level.

The learning journey typically begins with Level 1. This initial level focuses on self-healing, teaching the history of Reiki, and the hand placements for treating the self. The training also covers the five Reiki principles and introduces the concept of the 21-day healing process following attunement. Included in my training, I give the student a hands on Reiki session so they can experience the process. It’s a journey that begins with self-discovery and understanding the flow of universal life force energy.

Progressing to Level 2. Reiki Healing Energy involves a deepening of one’s practice and understanding of Reiki. It is a step beyond the physical healing techniques taught in Level 1 and focuses on emotional and mental healing. To begin, one must have mastered Level 1. The Level 2 attunement process introduces three sacred symbols that are key to this advanced practice. These symbols enable practitioners to connect more deeply with the energy and to perform distance healing, which allows them to send healing energy across time and space to individuals not physically present. After the attunement, comprehensive study and practice are essential to fully grasp the techniques and ethics involved in Level 2 Reiki. This includes learning how to perform aura cleansing, chakra balancing, and space clearing. Certification follows, marking the practitioner’s ability to work on others and to send Reiki energy to those at a distance. My training includes giving a hands on Reiki session, and, in return, giving me a Reiki session.

Level 3, Advanced Level, prepares students to become a Reiki Master. Reiki Healing Energy at the Master level is a transformative journey that involves advanced training and a deep commitment to the practice. The process typically begins with a thorough understanding of Reiki principles and the completion of Levels 1 and 2. At the Master level, students learn the Master symbol, which enhances the healing energy and allows them to perform attunements on others. The attunement ceremony is a pivotal part of this level, where the Reiki Master transfers the ability to channel Reiki energy to the student. This step is often accompanied by significant personal growth and an increase in self-awareness. For those looking to teach Reiki, additional training is required to become a Reiki Master Teacher, which includes learning how to instruct and guide others in Reiki practice.

And, Level 4, Reiki Master Teacher, teaches and prepares the student to teach Reiki to others and perform attunements. The journey to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher involves a deep commitment to the practice of Reiki and a desire to teach others. The process typically includes advanced training where one learns to master the Reiki symbols, practices, and attunement processes. A prospective Master Teacher will often undergo a period of intensive study, which can include a combination of coursework, self-reflection, and hands-on practice. This is followed by learning the specific methods for teaching Reiki to others and passing on attunements. The path is both a personal and spiritual journey, culminating in the ability to empower others to heal themselves and their communities.

The learning process is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about experiencing and practicing the principles of Reiki. Students are encouraged to integrate the Reiki Precepts into their daily lives, practice self-treatment regularly, and eventually, if they choose, provide healing to others. The journey of learning Reiki is as much about self-discovery and personal healing as it is about gaining the skills to facilitate healing in others.

As with any spiritual or healing practice, it is recommended to prepare oneself mentally and physically for the attunement process. This may include a period of meditation, fasting, or abstaining from stimulants to enhance the receptivity to the attunement energies. Each individual’s experience with attunement and learning Reiki is unique, and the process can lead to profound insights and transformative experiences.

Learning Reiki requires finding a qualified master, undergoing the attunement process, and committing to practice and embody the principles of Reiki. It is a journey that offers personal growth, healing, and the opportunity to contribute positively to the well-being of others.


See you next week!