This image explains the Law Of Attraction to a “T”.
What you send out mentally and physically- your thoughts, emotions, feelings, what you do- comes back to you.
What you sow- your short term and long term goals. Plant them in your Garden(s) of … (Wealth, Health, Happiness, Family, Career, Financial, etc.) Having a burning desire and allowing them to manifest- believe, without doubt and you will reap in return.
What you give- love, hugs, friendly smiles and saying “hi” to others when you are out in the public, vibrate with positivity, being grateful and appreciative throughout the day, helping others in need without asking for a favor in return- you will get back from others.
What you see in others- don’t judge too quickly from the outside- looks, personality, able bodied or disabled. Look inside to their heart, thoughts, and feelings. Understand what they may be going through- it may be happiness, excitement, sadness, depression, etc.- exists in us, as well. We’ve all been there.
Life is an echo. It always gets back to you. So, give goodness- Feel good and continue to feel better, think, feel, emote, and do with positivity. Be motivated and inspired. Making your day brighter with higher vibrations will make others’ days brighter, and so on and so on… affecting the world as a whole.
Thank you.