Last week, we delved into what Reiki Energy Healing is and how it can help people feel and get better with the light touch/no touch therapy.

This week, I want to expand more about my PASSION that solves a problem and helps change the world for the better.  When it’s not possible to work with someone with hands on/light touch/no touch, we are able to practice Distance Reiki Healing Energy.  Yes, it is possible to work on someone who is in the next room, across town, out of the state, or in a different country around the world.  And, it’s just as effective as having a hands on session.  I like to best explain it as turning on a light switch (opening up the healing channels) and seeing the light turn on (receiving the energy and feeling better).  When turning on the light switch, you don’t see the inner workings of the electricity flowing to the light source, allowing it to turn on- you think nothing of it.  Same with giving and receiving Distance Healing- the channels are opened, the unseen energy flow is flowing to the recipient, and the results are noticed/felt.  It is also much like when people pray for others- energy vibrations are being sent to their loved ones and they are receiving it.  Keep in mind that Everything Is Energy.  Energy work is not also used on people- it can be used on pets, animals in the wild, the environment, world issues.  Anything and everything can be Reikied.

What is Distance Reiki Energy Healing?

Reiki, a form of energy healing that originated in Japan, has gained popularity worldwide for its holistic approach to wellness.  It operates on the principle that a practitioner can channel life force energy into a patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being.  However, an intriguing aspect of Reiki is its ability to transcend the limitations of space, known as Distance Reiki Energy Healing.

Distance Reiki is based on the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which suggests that we are all connected, as we are part of a larger whole made up of energy.  This principle posits that healing energy can be sent across any distance, benefiting the recipient without the need for physical contact.  It is a testament to the non-locality of energy and its potential to affect change regardless of spatial constraints.  It is a form of energy healing that allows you to receive the benefits of Reiki from the comfort of your own home, regardless of the physical distance between you and the practitioner.  This method of healing is based on the principle that energy can transcend space and time, allowing Reiki practitioners to send healing energy to a person anywhere in the world.

The Process of Distance Reiki Healing

The process begins with the practitioner invoking the distance symbol, one of the sacred symbols learned during Reiki training.  This symbol is believed to connect the practitioner’s energy field with that of the recipient, regardless of their physical location.  The practitioner then sends Reiki energy with the intention of healing, which can be directed to the past, present, or future, acknowledging that energy is not bound by linear time.

During a Distance Reiki session, the practitioner may use various techniques to enhance the connection, such as visualizing the recipient or using a photo, and sometimes incorporating healing crystals.  The session can be conducted at a pre-arranged time when the recipient is ready to receive the energy or it can be sent on the spot, with their full knowledge and permission.  The attached photo is my usual set up.  At the same time, I have soothing Reiki music playing and essential oils diffusing into the room.

The Four Levels of Being in Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki aims to address the four levels of being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.  Each level corresponds to different aspects of our existence and is associated with specific energy fields or layers around the body, known as the aura.  The practitioner sends Reiki to each of these levels, intending to balance and clear blockages.

  1. Physical Level: The practitioner visualizes the Reiki energy entering the recipient’s crown chakra and filling their body, targeting the organs and physical systems.
  2. Emotional Level: The energy is directed to foster feelings of peace, joy, and emotional well-being.
  3. Mental Level: The focus here is on thoughts and mental processes, aiming to bring clarity and calmness.
  4. Spiritual Level: This involves the higher layers of the aura, helping the recipient connect with their higher self and spiritual dimensions.

Benefits and Considerations

Recipients of Distance Reiki often report feelings of relaxation, clarity, and emotional release.  It is considered a safe practice, with the caveat that it should complement, not replace, conventional medical treatment.  It is also essential that the recipient has given permission for the session, respecting their autonomy and consent.

Distance Reiki represents a fascinating application of energy healing, showing that care, intention, and healing can be shared across any distance.  It underscores the interconnectedness of all beings and the boundless nature of energy.  As with any healing practice, the experiences and benefits can be deeply personal and vary from individual to individual.

For those interested in exploring this modality, it is recommended to seek out a qualified Reiki practitioner who is trained in distance healing.  With an open mind and a willing heart, Distance Reiki can be a profound tool for personal growth and healing.

Receiving Distance Reiki

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to receive Distance Reiki:

  • Find a Qualified Practitioner: The first step is to find a Reiki practitioner who is trained and experienced in providing Distance Reiki. You can search for practitioners online, ask for recommendations from friends, or check with local holistic health centers.
  • Schedule a Session: Once you’ve found a practitioner, contact them to schedule a session. You can usually do this via phone or email.
  • Provide Your Details: The practitioner will likely ask for some basic information such as your name, location, and any specific issues you’d like to address during the session.
  • Prepare Your Space: Before the session, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. You may want to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair.  Some people like to create a relaxing atmosphere with dim lighting, candles, or soft music.
  • Set Your Intention: Although not physically present, it’s important to be mentally and emotionally present for the session. Set an intention or focus on what you wish to receive from the Reiki energy.
  • Receive the Reiki: At the scheduled time, relax and open yourself to receive the energy. The practitioner will use the distance symbol and other Reiki techniques to send healing energy to you.
  • Post-Session Reflection: After the session, take some time to reflect on the experience. You may feel relaxed, peaceful, or notice a shift in your physical or emotional state.
  • Follow-Up: Some practitioners offer a follow-up conversation to discuss any sensations or experiences you had during the session and to provide further guidance if needed.

Distance Reiki sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions, with many recipients reporting significant benefits.  It’s a convenient and powerful way to support your healing journey, no matter where you are in the world.


See you next week!


Small Business Week is upon us!  This is a great week for small businesses. I’ve been participating for several years. This week, I am offering a 15% discount for both hands on and distance Reiki appointments set for during the week through May 31. For more information or to set up your session, please call me at 860-593-5257. Please support your local small business.