
Feel Good & Think Positively

This image explains the Law Of Attraction to a "T". What you send out mentally and physically- your thoughts, emotions, feelings, what you do- comes back to you. What you sow- your short term and long term goals.  Plant them in your Garden(s) of ... (Wealth, Health, Happiness, Family, Career, Financial, etc.)  Having a burning [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:24+00:00July 25th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments

The Importance of Goal Making

I believe that having goals is vitally important to live happily and to have a successful business.  Without any goals, one goes aimlessly through life and helps makes others' goals possible.  A business with out goals, just couldn't survive. Why make goals?  Goal making gives you clarity.  Goal making allows you to focus.  Goal making allows [...]

By |2017-05-19T14:36:24+00:00July 19th, 2014|Happiness, Health, Wealth|0 Comments
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