Last week and continuing into this week, and I’m sure in weeks to come, we were tasked to not give any opinions!

Sounds easy?  Give it a try for a few hours…

With much going on around us- politics, upcoming elections, sporting events, Covid 19, the weather, the holidays, Elon Musk buying Twitter…

At first, I found it very difficult, not even realizing until later, that I gave my opinion on something- more than likely on one or more of the goings on listed above.  Then, I started to pay more attention to what I was saying, writing, and thinking and would recognize my opinions coming out half way through.  Once I recognized it, I just stopped and let it fizzle away.  My next step was to answer questions and/or make statements craftily without an opinion.  Finally, I just sat back and kept myself out of the conversation altogether and just observed.  Yes, I had chuckled to myself a few times.

I’m, by far, not perfect, as I still catch myself every now and then, however just shutting up is very freeing.  Now that I’ve, for the most, curtailed verbal and written opinion communications, I’ve got to work on the head chatter.

Things to watch out for- opinion vs fact, opinion vs comment, opinion vs complements- they’ve all come up within our Marco Polo live videos in our tribe group, questioning ourselves, questioning each other, calling each other out (in a fun sense), and even supporting them with our readings and exercises.  After all, facts are simply others’ opinions…

I’m keeping it short and sweet this week.  And that’s a FACT!

Seriously, give it a try…  Let me know how you do.