This virtue is a bit uncomfortable for me, in a religious setting, so I’m using it in a spiritual setting.  Without getting into depths of my religious vs spiritual views and practices, I decided to do a little research in what Seeing God In Everyone means.  I’ve read through scriptures, uncomfortably, and through other sources online and I came upon this explanation from Aravind Balasubramanya as a “definition” that I am comfortable with:

“I often reiterate that I am God. But, I also remind you that you are verily God. You should not give scope for any confusion and difference of opinion in this regard. Everyone of you are embodiments of divinity in reality. When you develop such a firm conviction, you can visualise God in every human being. It is only in keeping with this concept that the expression Yad bhavam tad bhavati (as is the feeling, so is the result) asserted in the scriptures. Since people are not aware of the real nature of divinity, they refer to certain individuals as father, mother, uncle, etc., keeping in view their physical forms and the relationships with them. If people are so deluded on the basis of physical relationships, they are bound to get confused about the real nature of divinity. Lord Krishna declared once while revealing His omnipresent divinity that there was none other than Him in the entire universe. The same truth is contained in the declaration Ekam Sath viprah bahudha vadanti (truth is one, but the wise refer to it by various names).”

It was here that I seriously considered Swami said was the best Sadhana – to see God in everyone; to love God in everyone.

I, myself, have taken on the belief over the last few years that each one of us is God.  The spiritualist in me, I will often replace “God” with Universe or Source.  It all means the same.

With that said, where have I observed Seeing God in others- well, really, EVERYONE that I have come across on a daily basis.  Do I take the time with each person that I see as I go through my days?  No, as that is not really possible, as we see, literally, thousands of people a day on a regular basis.  However, this week and going forward, I have and will take some time to better appreciate, be thankful and grateful with my family, friends, colleagues of who they really are (God, Universe, Source) and what they offer (themselves, Love).  I mean, it’s always been there, and I/we just take it for granted and go about our day.  Taking the extra time, even if it’s a few seconds, just gives it more meaning in a heart-centered and loving way.  This will affect all relationships of those who I meet, as everyone that we meet or connect with is by purpose.  There is no coincidence…  Since everything is energy, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, including thoughts and feelings, just imagine how the environment around me will change for the better.  And if others take on this responsibility, what positive changes would be made globally, Universally…

Take some time this week and going forward to find God, the Universe, Source (or your preferred term) in others that you come across on a daily basis, especially those close to you.  Observe how you feel and others feel.  Observe the positive changes in your environment.  Become Heart-Centered.  Become Love.

Again, I thank you for coming on this 6 month journey with me.  It doesn’t end here, as I have become a lifetime member of this Mastermind group setting.  I guess that our journey together continues on and I’m seeing God in that!