itsnotaboutperfectIt’s not about perfect.  It’s about effort.  And, when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens.  That’s how change occurs… things don’t have to be spot on perfect in life to make a change in your life and in others’ lives.  To make a change in your life, you need to make changes.  Change starts today- Now.  If you wait for the perfect time, it will never happen.  Put some positive effort into yourself every day.  Where to start?- Start by feeling good right now and to continue to feel better.  Start by thinking, being, doing, and emoting positivity throughout your day.  Start by being grateful and appreciative to your loved ones, to those that you meet and events that took place during your day.  Putting in the effort little by little, day by day- you, your family, your friends, and colleagues will notice this transformation that is occurring in you and around you.  Your positive vibrations will be felt everywhere that you go, trailblazing a path, positively affecting everything around you.  That’s how change occurs.

In a business setting, it starts the same way.  You want to make a positive change in its current situation- maybe increasing income, profits, customer and/or client base, or whatever you feel needs improvement.  Make the decision to start now.  As noted above, start by feeling good right now and to continue to feel better.  Start by thinking, being, doing, and emoting positivity throughout your day.  Start by being grateful and appreciative to your loved ones, to those that you meet and events that took place during your day- these include your clients, customers, colleagues, employees, staff, etc.   Release any stress that is holding you and your business back from performing at its best.  Become a heart-centered business.  Again, these positive vibrations will be felt throughout your community and globally.

I started to make changes in my life- both personal and business over the last few years.  I am enjoying and loving the changes that have been taking place- I’m in tune with myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually (and I feel great), new and supportive friendships and colleagues, the starting and rebranding of my coaching business by specializing in helping small businesses, helping singles, and helping people feel better using holistic and alternative therapies, being and taking responsibility for my past, present, and future (no more blaming or making excuses), and breaking out of my comfort zone.  A lot of changes and transformation over the last few years for me and I will continue to make changes, as it is an ongoing process.

Do you feel that a change or transformation for yourself and/or for your business in needed?  Stuck in limbo and looking for a way out?… Great news, I can help you!  Learn more about me, the work that I do, and the services that I provide:

Contact me to set up a meeting or a Discovery session.

Feel free to join my community.

Thank you.


An Infinite Abundance Of Wealth, Health, & Happiness
* Strategic Attraction Plan Consultant for heart-centered small businesses, self employers, and solopreneurs
* Love Relationships Coach- helping singles attract their True & Everlasting Love
* Advanced Reiki Practitioner- helping those heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually using holistic energy therapies
— I establish and accomplish my divine presence and purpose from a heart-centered place on Earth, Universally allowing our infinite freedom for Wealth, Health, & Happiness